The Shoreline Cleanup Series

Diese Fotografien entstanden im Rahmen meines zwei-semestrigen Auslandsaufenthalt in Kanada während eines Kurses bei Chris Myhr an der McMaster University, Hamilton. Ich habe dort am The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup in Hamilton teilgenommen und anschließend meinen Fund in einer Ausstellung präsentiert.

These photographs were taken during my two-semester stay abroad in Canada during an ecology art course under Chris Myhr at McMaster University, Hamilton. I participated in The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup in Hamilton and then presented my findings in an art exhibition.

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Alle nachfolgenden stehen unter der Creative Commons Lizenz CC0 kostenlos zum Download zur Verfügung. Fotografin: Jasmin Sessler

All subsequent photographs are distributed under the Creative Commons license CC0. Please download. Photographer: Jasmin Sessler

Waste Straws, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.


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Collected Plastic Trash, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.

Plastik Strand

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Collecting Cans, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.


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Life Sentence, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.


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Plastic Childhood, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.


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Plastic forks, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.


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Plenty more Plastic in the sea, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.


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Straws, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.


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Trash, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.


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Fished out of sea, Hamilton, Canada, 2019.

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